pvc cheap stock leather with mixed usages, mostly used for car
PVC Stock Leather with one roll mixed colors, some one roll one color, but mostly is one roll mixed color, one roll have two or three colors, stock leather with various colors and different strong backing fabric. Over 70% could used for car, others for make shoes, sofa and bags. The quantity was more than 800 tons in warehouse.
Thickness: 0.7mm-1.6mm
Width: 1.37meter-1.60meter
Roll Length: 30 meters-60 meters
Our pvc stock leather with mixed usages, but over 70% could be used for car seat, which is cheap and high-quality, we could also provide you largely stock leather with good service and economic price.
Contact: Harry Chu
Phone: +8615062762222
Tel: +86-513-85707818
Email: [email protected]
Add: No.8 Taoyuan Road, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, China